2020 Country-Specific Schengen Visa Statistics


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wdt_ID Schengen State Country Consulate Number of Visa Applications Visas Issued Visas Denied Not issued rate for uniform visas
1 Finland RUSSIAN FEDERATION ST. PETERSBURG 97,026 96,442 584 0.60%
2 Italy RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW 84,921 83,110 1,811 2.13%
3 France RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW 73,453 74,086 2,417 3.16%
4 Spain RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW 55,553 52,891 1,591 2.92%
5 Germany RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW 48,340 46,051 2,250 4.65%
6 France ALGERIA ALGIERS 48,225 39,792 14,179 26.22%
7 Czech Republic UKRAINE KYIV 47,754 44,993 2,761 5.78%
8 Czech Republic UKRAINE LVIV 47,624 45,953 1,669 3.50%
9 France TUNISIA TUNIS 46,308 35,122 12,182 25.73%
10 Greece RUSSIAN FEDERATION MOSCOW 40,840 36,648 2,276 5.85%
Schengen State Country Consulate
Total 590,044 Total 555,088 Total 41,720