2017 Schengen Visa statistics by third country

The table below illustrates the official statistics regarding the overall number of Schengen visa applications received at the corresponding Consulates or Embassies of Schengen Area countries worldwide.

As the statistics show, Russia has received the largest number of Schengen visa applications, while the country with the largest number of Visa Application Rejections is Algjeria.

wdt_ID Country where consulate is located Uniform visas applied for Total uniform visas issued (including MEV) Multiple entry uniform visas (MEVs) issued Total LTVs issued Uniform visas not issued Not issued rate for uniform visas Share of MEVs
1 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3,885,899 3,826,151 3,205,829 1,040 52,770 1.4% 83.8%
2 CHINA 2,533,905 2,447,041 807,068 268 83,635 3.3% 33.0%
3 TURKEY 971,710 903,644 666,043 1,377 63,122 6.5% 73.7%
4 INDIA 920,699 837,109 484,366 433 78,681 8.5% 57.9%
5 ALGERIA 779,152 502,706 163,116 1,088 279,740 35.9% 32.4%
6 UKRAINE 720,976 694,349 414,399 365 26,925 3.7% 59.7%
7 BELARUS 715,433 710,504 578,105 219 2,088 0.3% 81.4%
8 MOROCCO 614,432 513,643 221,045 1,217 93,859 15.3% 43.0%
9 SAUDI ARABIA 334,786 307,355 248,794 4,661 18,189 5.4% 80.9%
10 THAILAND 304,054 293,401 128,147 121 9,500 3.1% 43.7%